La militante libanaise de gauche Souha Béchara brièvement détenue en Grèce

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"On lui a dit qu'elle représentait une menace pour la sécurité nationale grecque", a déclaré mercredi à L'Orient-Le Jour Adnan Béchara, frère de l'activiste.  Souha Béchara, militante communiste libanaise et ancienne détenue au sinistre centre de détention de Khiam, a été brièvement arrêtée par les autorités grecques mardi soir à l'aéroport d'Athènes, a confirmé le Parti communiste libanais (PCL) à L'Orient Today.

LCP Response to the Governmental Economic Reform Plan

Published in Statements

Introduction: The government published its economic reform plan describing it as a “rescue plan” claiming that it is the first time in Lebanon’s recent history that a comprehensive plan is put on the table. The plan quantifies the financial losses in the country’s treasury which was produced by tri-sided entities composed of the sectarian parties who enjoy a strong alliance with the financial oligarchy, commercial banks, and the Central Bank.

LCP Statement on May 1st, The Workers Day

Published in Statements

This year, the Worker's Day coincides with a global crisis resulting from COVID-19. The consequences of this pandemic are magnified because of the existence of an international capitalist system; a system that generates terrible degradation of people’s lives and the environment surrounding it.
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