Facebook bans Lebanese Communist Party page over coverage of Israeli abuses

  Morning Star
FACEBOOK banned the Lebanese Communist Party’s official page on Tuesday, claiming its coverage of Israel’s crackdown on Palestinians in Jerusalem and assault on Gaza violated the social media giant’s community standards.

The party said Facebook was acting “to silence all voices of opposition ... classifying resistance movements and the Palestinian uprising against occupation as terroristic.

“The real charges against the page of the Lebanese Communist Party are raised because it names killing as killing, occupation as occupation, massacres as massacres, and [population] transfer as transfer in the same manner as it names thieves as thieves, oppressors as oppressors, and terrorists as terrorists. We are proud of that and we are not apologetic,” the party said today in a statement.

The party called on the left to campaign for “free speech and political action — the right of access to social media as well as all media, without political restrictions imposed by private companies with agendas, and to spread the news of our party and of the Palestinian people’s struggles in order to unveil the crimes of the occupation and the lies of its supporters.”